Hey Goldie’s!,
We hope you enjoyed the last weeks of August, dancing at the Notting Hill Carnival or perhaps soaking up the sun rays in a tropical country? Either way, we’re sure you have rested well over the summer, because the Autumn and Winter months are going to be busy!
British Theatre is at its best right now, there are so many great theatres contributing brilliant plays to ensure that there is some light during the dark Autumn, Winter months. Of course Golden Delilah has been brightening up the stages and discovering London’s best kept secret stages for the past 3 years. So it is no surprise that we have been working away at the office on TWO projects that are almost ready to unveil!
Aftermath: Golden Delilah in collaboration with Fragments Theatre will be presenting you with a documentary which expresses the aftermath of the London riots in Hackney. The London Riots affected all Londoners and was a shocking event, which caused a lot of Londoners to question their political views and their perception of young people.
The media chose to display footage which clearly lead to the assumption that majority of those involved in the riots, were of Black African and Black Caribbean heritage. An unfortunate fact or creative manipulation?
Bearing this mind, Golden Delilah and Fragments Theatre took the streets of Hackney in search of the opinions of Hackney residents particularly residents of a black African/ Caribbean ethnicity, who were given the chance to have their voices heard. As they play a strong role in the shaping the black youths of today.
More details of Project X and Aftermath will be posted on the GD blog within the next few weeks, so keep your eyes open and your
ears closely to the ground!
Golden Delilah.