Sunday, 19 June 2011

Tierra Firme - Social Political Theatre.


Golden Delilah was recently sent an email from our friend Yuri Pirondi, who has embarked on a new adventure to document the injustice in the South American countries. Yuri is in a team of Independent Documentary Film makers who are passionate about the power of film and theatre to inspire, move, educate and initiating positive social change. Yes, there are still people who would like to change the world... gently of course!

 Like Africa, Latin America is a continent that has been tussled and torn by political unrest, poverty, lack of education and violence.  Social Political Theatre plays an extremely important role in healing wounds, allowing people's voices to be heard, and in initiating a positive social change.  It is an incredibly effective tool to educate and initiate life-changing shifts in the consciousness and lives of the people involved.

As a theatre company we can not even begin to describe how powerful theatre can be particularly within countries whose futures are not clear. Theatre is a tool to allow one, to describe and express a world in which they would like to live in or a world they are trying to escape.

Please have a look at the website links below:

Golden Delilah